Appendix D - Database repair procedure - run weekly

Database repair procedure - run weekly

It is recommended all agencies run database repairs at once a week in order to maintain the integrity of your database. For this reason we have included the instructions below:

  • All users must be signed out of the system prior to starting.

Start the Database Repair by going to your Start Menu located at the bottom left hand corner of your workstation.

Click on: Start -> Programs -> Travelog World For Windows -> Travelog World Database Repair.

Enter Username and Password, and then click Ok.

The below message will appear - Click Ok if you have already made a back up of your Database otherwise Click Cancel and run the backup then return to step 1.

The next message will then appear - Click on Yes.

The repair should go through each of the below step by step. If any error messages are received on-screen please make a note of this message and contact the helpdesk.

Click on Yes Repair Travel Services Database then Travelog should load up automatically. You must then Re-link your Database after running the Database Repair:

Click on: File -> Options -> Set Travel Services Database.

Once it has be Re-Linked you should see this box appear like the one below - Click on OK.