It is recommended all agencies run database repairs at once a week in order to maintain the integrity of your database. For this reason we have included the instructions below:
Start the Database Repair by going to your Start Menu located at the bottom left hand corner of your workstation.
Click on: Start -> Programs -> Travelog World For Windows -> Travelog World Database Repair.
Enter Username and Password, and then click Ok.
The below message will appear - Click Ok if you have already made a back up of your Database otherwise Click Cancel and run the backup then return to step 1.
The next message will then appear - Click on Yes.
The repair should go through each of the below step by step. If any error messages are received on-screen please make a note of this message and contact the helpdesk.
Click on Yes Repair Travel Services Database then Travelog should load up automatically. You must then Re-link your Database after running the Database Repair:
Click on: File -> Options -> Set Travel Services Database.
Once it has be Re-Linked you should see this box appear like the one below - Click on OK.
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