This report details the Charges and Credits that have been created on trips and the types of Charges and Credits that have been done. It is a good way to audit what the consultants are using Charges and Credits for. Note: Prior to running this report, ensure there are no Charges & Credits waiting to be Listed & Updated as they will not yet be included in reports.
Click on Accounting | Data Entry | Charges & Credits | Charges & Credits Report
Charges & Credit Type: this report is in the order of the Charges & Credit Type. A total is provided for each type of Charges & Credit.
From and To Charges & Credit Type fields appear – these fields give you the ability to report on just one type of Charges & Credit or several types of Charges & Credits. If you do not select a type, the system will assume you wish to report on all types.
Consultant: This report is in Consultant order. A total is provided for each Consultant. From and To Consultant fields appear – these fields give you the ability to report on just one consultant or several consultants at any one time. If you do not select a consultant, the system will assume you wish to report on all consultants.
Note: If GST applies to a transaction, the GST exclusive figure will be captured in the GROSS AMOUNT column and the GST content in the GST AMOUNT column (the Type of Sale selected in the actual Charges & Credit entry determines if GST applies).
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