Click on Accounting | Data Entry | Cheque | Cheque Bank Presentation.
To set starting page numbers – ONLY when setting up a new page number sequence:
Enter the Bank A/C and type in the number in the Page Number box. This is the same number as on your Bank Statement received from the Bank. Click options and then click on Set starting page number.
NOTE* – Once you select the starting page number you cannot go back to a page number prior to the start page number selected. Click on Add New Page down the bottom and click Yes to “Do you require a new page” this will then be your starting page number. Then click on Add New Items so you can match the items on the Bank Statement page. Enter the Opening balance for the first page.
If a new page were added this would ask the Closing balance and date of the statement page. The Opening Balance for the new page will be the closing balance of the previous page.
As you match the entries they move off the Matching screen and onto the Bank Statement page screen.
To view items that are ALREADY matched UNTICK ‘Hide Matched Entries’ option
NOTE: Ensure any reversals are matched off against the original entries on the page that applies to the month of entry of the transactions.
NOTE: Any ‘Statement Page Difference’ or Unreconciled Balance is the difference between the opening balance - plus/minus any of the matched entries - and the closing balance.
To add any Bank charges or Interest paid or received without going out of the Receipt Bank Presentation do the following:
NOTE: The Delete button is to delete a line you have entered in error prior to clicking the Update button. The Close button is to close the screen.
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