Client reference oder listing

Client reference oder listing

Click on Accounting | Client Ledger | Client Reference Order Listing.

This report allows you to print out a list of all the client trip information such as their address, telephone numbers, number of pax, Source, Category and whether the trip was linked to a Corporate account.

  • Select the Report Dated.
  • Select the Report type either in Detail or Summary.
  • Select a date range for the Departure date OR click on Include Open Dates to include everything.
  • Select the Sort criteria. You can select up to 4 levels of sort criteria.
  • Select All or Range. All will give you the whole range and a Range allows you to select a Starting Code and Finishing Code.
  • Click on Start to print the report. The Print Preview option allows the report to print to the screen.
  • The Cancel button clears the selections and then you can select a new range.