Used for maintaining all other codes within the system. Most of the codes can be created from the description. Airline, Aircraft and City codes need to have their standard IATA codes to ensure items match when imported for Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo or Abacus
Click on Accounting | Codes | Code Maintenance
Airline Code | All the two letter airline codes are loaded and under this code you can set up default Type of Sale for each airline. To change a Type of Sale default for an airline, enter the 2 letter code in the code area and then click on MODIFY. You are then able to enter a default Type of Sale for Domestic Travel, International Travel and Tran Tasman. The field allows a from and to commission level e.g. 4 – 5%. These commission levels can be over ridden in the pricing area if they don't apply to a particular booking for one reason or another. |
Airline Class | Used for setting up different classes for different airlines. You are also able to enter in any overrides that may apply to certain destinations when travelling in a certain class. |
Aircraft Type | Used to set up different aircraft types used by the airlines. This information prints on the itinerary. Additional remarks about the aircraft can be added by Modifying the existing code. |
Supplier/Principal | Used to set up codes for all the products you will be selling e.g. Airlines, Hotels, wholesaler’s etc. For the Principal make sure, for example, all Hyatt Regency’s are unique by adding a city after the chain name ie: Hyatt Regency Mexico. Only link a Principal to a Creditor that has a one-to-one relationship by entering the corresponding Creditor code in the Creditor code box eg, Mike Henry Insurance (Principal) is only ever purchased from Mike Henry (Creditor). NB - NEVER LINK THE PRINCIPAL BSP TO ANY CREDITORS. |
Service Rate | If rates have been negotiated with suppliers for your company as a wholesaler, they can be entered here. However, if you do use this area please remember that if a rate changes it must be updated in here as well. Before entering rates into this area you need to have your Creditors and the Suppliers set up in the system. |
Services | Used to set up codes for the services provided by a principal or creditor eg. Room types, vehicle type for car rentals etc. |
Chain | Create codes for the different chains of suppliers that you use eg. Sheraton Hotels, SPHC etc. 'Add' the new code and then the description of the Chain. You can then also add in their IATA number if required. Once the Chains have been set up, will need to then go back to the Supplier/Principal code and link each Hotel to its relevant Chain. |
Policy | Used to set up the type of insurance policy that is offered by the company you deal with. |
Plan | Used to set up the different insurance plans offered by the company you deal with.
You will need to make sure you have set up the Creditor and the Principal and then do the Policy first and then the Plan. |
Source | Used to determine where your business is coming from e.g. Corporate, Leisure etc |
Category | Used to describe the type of travel the client is doing eg. Commercial, Visiting Friends & Relatives Etc... |
Consultant | Used to set up each Consultant that will be using the system.Enter Consultants name and title in the areas provided. A minimum selling margin that a consultant should earn on a booking can be set here. For example if you enter 5% here and the consultant tries to complete a booking where the margin is less than this, then the system will require a password from the system administrator to allow them to continue. |
Marketing Location | Used to determine where your client base is located. |
Groups | Used for different groups that are travelling and the client trip can then be linked to the Group Code for reporting purposes.. |
Destination | All the 2-letter country codes are in the system. You have the ability to relate each country to a region so that you can run a report by regional breakdown. These now need to be maintained by your office. City All the three letter city codes are in the system. These now need to be maintained by your office. |
Leisure | Used to enter all the different types of Leisure activities clients may have in their profiles. The system has some codes already loaded. |
Mileage | Clubs Used to enter the different airline clubs, loyalty scheme or any other memberships like Sheraton Club Card. |
Special Requests OSI/SSR | Used to set up different requirements such as vegetarian meal, wheel chair etc. Also need to specify whether the code will be OSI or SSR. |
Agency Branch | Used for multiple agencies. Each company must be set up with at least one Agency branch code. |
Agent | Used for Brokers selling on behalf of the Travel Agency.'Add' the new code and then the Brokers name in the description field. |
Bank Account | To establish the company’s different bank accounts and link them to the relevant General Ledger code. 'Add' the new code and then the Bank name, branch, account number and address. Then enter a description of the account into the description field e.g. Working Account, Trust Account. The opening Balance should be the opening balance from your bank statement, which should then correspond to the opening balance in your General Ledger Account. You then need to enter the General Ledger Account number that the Bank Account corresponds to. The general ledger account number will have to be set up prior to creating the bank accounts. A different General Ledger account needs to be created for each Bank Account |
Class | Used for reporting purposes. You can break down your various clients, suppliers and Corporate accounts into different classes. For Example you may set up a code for a Group 1 Debtor, which may mean that they spend over a certain dollar figure with your company. You can then have classes for preferred supplier’s etc. This gives you the ability to run off reports for different levels of business if required. This is not a compulsory field anywhere in the system. |
Method of Payment | Used to determine what payment type is used when payment is receipted. If payment is in the form of Credit Card, then the card fee, if applicable, can be calculated and held in the Debtor Account. This allows the printing of Bank Deposit slip, aids in on screen Bank Reconciliation and in Client Enquiry - allowing the consultant to view the clients payment method. |
Charges & Credits | Used to clear client trips that are out of balance, it is similar to a journal entry but these entries can be flagged to update Sales analysis. Set up which accounts are to be debited and which accounts are to be credited for a particular entry. If a client has been charged a service fee then this type of Charge and Credit entry is set to Debit the trip and Credit the relevant General Ledger account code. |
Embassy | Used to set up the different embassies that the agency may be using. This is used in Travel Services for producing Passport/Visa letters. |
Description | Allows you to enter descriptions of various types such as Conditions, Service Fees so that they are already established in the system. Conditions - used for things like Non-Refundable, Non- Transferable on airline tickets. Offered Reasons - if you have offered a client a special rate they may decline it for a number of reasons e.g. Flight times didn't suit. Service fees - for fees such as Courier Fees, Toll Call fees, Visa fees etc. (refer appendix) |
Net Remit | Still under development. STD. Comment Used to set up comments used regularly in itineraries etc. such as a comment on baggage allowance. These comments are set up and then do not have to be typed every time. Just choose the correct code and the comment will be placed in the document. |
Type of Sale | Used to set up all the different sales you may be doing such as International air, domestic air, international accommodation or domestic accommodation etc. This type of sale also determines the commission default and whether GST is applied or not. |
Discount | Every time a discount is given in the system a reason must be given. For example you could have Consultant Error as one reason or matching another Agent as another. 'Add' the new code and then the description of the Discount. You then have to relate the discount to a General Ledger Account number, which is usually the Commission Account, as you are giving away your commission. Make sure Discounts have the correct General Ledger account to default to. |
Currency | Currency Codes and conversion rates can be set here. 'Add' the new code and then the description of the currency. You then have the ability to enter an exchange rate. If you are going to enter the exchange rates please be aware that somebody must update them in the agency as they change. |
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