Creditor end of period ageing

Creditor end of period ageing

End of Period Ageing ages the transactions based on the date they were entered on. It also allows users to clear matched transactions.


Click on Accounting | Creditor Ledger | Creditor Ageing.

Run Ageing for Creditor Type = Both Matched transactions: Keep = Shows matched transactions Remove = Permanently removes transactions from the Creditors Ledger.

  • Select Ageing Cycle = 7, 14 or 30 day. Each cycle needs to be run separately.
  • Don’t Age option allows you to run a Remove, which removes matched transactions, without ageing the unmatched transactions.
  • Age Open Item Creditors by date = YES. Type in the period end date eg. 30/04/2005
  • This will then show April transactions as 30 days and May then becomes the current transactions.

Once you are 100% sure you are ready to run your ageing and Created a Backup

  • Click on START and then click Close to exit. If any of the Creditors matched transactions don’t balance off to zero an error message will appear advising the Creditor Code and the amount that it is out. This needs to be fixed in Credit Transaction matching before the ageing will run successfully