Data entry – non bsp return

Data entry – non bsp return

This will bring up a list of Transactions relating to sales previously entered by the Consultants in the Front Office ‘Pay Supplier’ area or by Back Office users from the NON- BSP Entry Window. Items most commonly entered in the Back Office Entry Window are Refunds or other Credits that would appear on supplier statements. These must be added to the selection area (via Non-BSP Entry) to make the total balance reconcile to your Creditor Statement.

Supplier refunds should not processed in Travel Services.

  • Use the Tran Type, Return Dates, and the Sort Sequence 1 & 2 to display the transactions in the sequence best suited to finding those you require to match. Click Display Search Results to activate the options once selected. These options can be changed as many times as required until all required transactions h ave been matched.
  • Click in the grey box (√) to match or un-match the entries for payment. Note: Match All Entries will match all the entries in the current selection window.
  • The amount in the Matched box to the bottom left of this window should be the same as the amount to pay the Creditor once reconciliation is complete.

NOTE: If there are discrepancies then the necessary adjustments need to be done in the Non BSP Return Entry screen. List/update these adjustments and then continue with the reconciliation till you have the amount that the cheque is made out for.

  • Click on Close

NOTE: You are able to Preview the Return on-screen to make sure all is correct before going through to allocating the cheque number To Preview the return Select the Print Preview box then click Start. Please note that printing what is in the on-screen preview will not actually clear these selected items from the system as paid.

Once you are 100% sure this is what you are paying follow the next steps. These ticket entries will be cleared out. So ensure you are correct in what you have selected for payment.

  • Select the bank account that this cheque or Direct debit will be coming from.

If you have pre printed Cheque stationery and wish to print cheques click on Print Cheques.

  • Click on Start.
  • Click NO to any further changes question?

If you click YES the return will print but entries will not clear so you are still able to go back and make changes before continuing with the next step.

  • Click YES to: Are you sure you’ve reconciled the Supplier Return.

NOTE: You can now prevent the Return from printing by selecting the ‘Exclude Audit’ option

  • The following cheque box will appear:

If clearing a single creditor, enter the cheque number (can be alpha or numeric) for this payment. E.g. Above payment was via Money Direct (Chq # = MD30JAN05)

If any of the returns have a zero or negative balance, cheques will not be printed for these Creditors and a message will appear advising this. The remaining Creditors will have cheques printed but the zero or negative Balance returns will need to be run separately.

For Pre printed cheques - Enter the starting cheque number (this must be numeric) and the system will increment cheque numbers and also print the supporting Return for each Creditor. Custom Reports are generally needed for this feature

Multiple Creditor payments
  • When each Creditor is paid on consecutive cheque numbers, enter the first cheque number (this must be numeric) and the system will increment the cheque number and also print the supporting Return for each Creditor.
  • When each Creditor is paid on the same cheque number, click on the Create split cheque option and enter the cheque number (can be alpha or numeric) and the system will allocate the same cheque number to all the Creditors and also print the supporting Return for each Creditor.

Any returns with zero or negative balance the return will be printed but without allocating a cheque number and a message will appear advising this. These returns will then need to be run separately.

If you have made a mistake you are still able to reverse your Return by reversing the cheque number automatically posted in the Cheque Entry Window under the ‘Administration’ tab. For additional details about reversing cheque entries please see Cheque Entry area of this manual.