Examples on the loading of airfare pricing

Examples on the loading of airfare pricing

Example 13: Loading Airfare Pricing
Two sample ways of loading pricing into travel services files for accounting:

The first way is to enter the GROSS plus TAX less COMMISSION to get to the correct NETT

GROSS - $1088.00

TAXES - $352.18 (entered separately)

COMM - $87.00

COST TO CLIENT = $1440.18 (Service Fee Shown separately)


The second way is to enter the NETT plus TAX with a MARKUP to get correct COST TO CLIENT

NETT: $1001 ($1088.00 less COMMISSION $87.00)

TAXES - $352.18 (entered separately)

MARKUP - $87.00

COST TO CLIENT = $1440.18 (Service Fee Shown separately)


NOTE: You could also include the Service Fee amount in with the Mark-up Value to ‘hide’ any fees...