NOTE: Remember to always back-date transactions is accounting is not done on the same day.
Enter Trip booking details into your Travel Services Land Booking Window / Trip Information area
When you are ready to process the deposit amount paid by Credit Card to the wholesaler you can COPY the original Trip line related to the booking. With this new (additional) Trip Line ADJUST the amount to reflect ONLY the deposit amount being paid to the wholesaler. This deposit would not initially include any commission amount.
From the Drop Down Menu select the Credit Card type being used for the Deposit Payment
This will now create an additional line in your Trip details however this line can be hidden in the ‘OPTIONS’ area of the Trip Information Window at any time by selecting which Lines from the ‘Options’ area are to be included in the Booking area where items for payments and documentation are selected.
In the Pay Supplier area you should then see the additional line with the deposit value only ready to be PAID with C/Card value visible in the C/Card Amount column.
Note that you DO NOT need to select DEPOSIT option as the value of this line is paid in FULL.
In the OPTIONS area, the additional line is now flagged as Paid however this will create duplicate values in your BOOKING Tab and on your printed client documentation.
Only the Trip Line for FULL VALUE needs to be seen in the BOOKING Tab. This can be changed by selecting lines from the OPTIONS area that you wish move into the BOOKING area. Hold the Ctrl Key so you can select Multiple Trip Lines. Once you have selected Trip Lines from the OPTIONS area (now Blue) then click the BOOKING TAB
You should be asked the following question:
Choose what you want to do with the selected lines from your OPTIONS area. You can now produce your updated documentation reflecting deposit paid to the wholesaler
Once you are ready to pay the BALANCE by Credit Card you must again COPY the Trip Line. This time in the COPY process you are going to load ONLY THE BALANCE amount being paid and the FULL COMMISSION VALUE that is due back to the Agency as this amount will then go into the Back Office
In the Pay Supplier area you should then see an additional line with the BALANCE value ready to be PAID including Credit Card value visible in the C/Card Amount column(s) capturing the TOTAL Commission Due.
Using the OPTIONS Tab, select trip lines you want displayed in the BOOKING AREA (and on documentation) by holding down the Ctrl Key and selecting Trip Lines from the grey box to the left of each line. Once you have selected relevant Trip Lines from OPTIONS (highlighted Blue) then click onto the BOOKING TAB
You should be asked the following question:
Choose what you want to do with the selected lines from your OPTIONS area and produce an updated confirmation / statement reflecting deposit amount paid by your client to the wholesaler
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