Receipt bank charges

Receipt bank charges & interest entry

To add any Bank charges or Interest paid or received without going out of the Receipt Bank Presentation do the following:

  • Click on the E button.
  • Select the Payment Method from the drop down menu.
  • Click NEW on the relevant batch type. (This is so that other items in the existing Batch are not updated automatically) Then click the down arrow and select the new batch number.
  • Click ADD.
  • Select the Entry Type from the drop down menu in TYPE column.
  • Enter date you want the entry posted on – this should be as per your Bank Statement.
  • Select the General Ledger code from the drop down menu (setup in G/L Maintenance).
  • Enter a description eg BC080199 (BC=Bank Charges & Date on the bank statement).
  • Then enter the $ value of the relevant item.
  • If there are more entries click on Add and continue as per above details.
  • Once all entries are done for this batch type click Update. This will then List and Update the batch - You can return to the matching screen to continue with Bank reconciliation.

NOTE: The Delete button is to delete a line you have entered in error prior to clicking the Update button. The Close button is to close the screen.