Remuneration report

Remuneration report

This report is used for consultants paid on commission. The report will only show
transactions for trips that are balanced to zero and for which the Departure date is equal to
or less than the departure date selected. Prior to running this report, ensure List & Updates
have been performed for all modules.

Click on Accounting | Miscellaneous Reports | Remuneration Report

  • Select the Report Dated. This field defaults to the current system date. This date
    will be captured in the report title i.e. Remuneration Report as at XX/XX/XXXX. It
    has no impact on the report selection criteria.
  • Select Sort Report Order. This field defaults to CODE. All user codes have a two
    character CODE. In most instances, your user code will be the initials of your name
    i.e. Barry Smith in most instances will have a user code of BS. If your user code
    differs to your initials, then it may be applicable to use the option NAME.
  • Select the Departure Date. This field defaults to the current system date. The
    system will not allow you to report on a Departure Date that is greater than the
    system date. All trips that have not been reported on previously that balance to
    zero and have a Departure Date equal to or less than the Departure Date selected in
    this field will be reported on.
  • Select the From/To Consultant. These fields give you the ability to print this report
    for just a particular consultant or all consultants. These fields default so that the
    report prints ALL consultants.
  • Select the Report Option. Allows you to print in a DETAILED or SUMMARY format.
    This field defaults to SUMMARY.
    DETAILED – lists all transactions within a trip, then totals
    SUMMARY – displays just the total line
  • New Page - When this function is turned on, each consultant figures will appear on a
    separate page.
  • Preview - This facility allows you to PREVIEW the report before actually printing it.
    A SEQUENCE NUMBER will not be allocated to the report or the transactions within
    this report. If you print from the PREVIEW screen, the report title will read Preview
    Remuneration Report.
  • Click on Start. When clicking START the system assumes you wish to print this
    report so the following prompt is displayed:

If you select YES, a SEQUENCE NUMBER will be allocated to the report and the transactions
within this report. This SEQUENCE NUMBER will appear in the title of the report. The
transactions on this report can never be reported on again.

After selecting YES, another prompt will appear:

In both instances, by selecting NO, the system will take you back to the report selection

  • Already Paid Trips - This facility allows you to PREVIEW or RE-PRINT previously
    printed reports. You have the ability to PREVIEW or RE-PRINT these reports in both
    a DETAILED or SUMMARY format. In these instances, the report title will read Re-
    Print Remuneration Report.