Click on Add and the default Receipt Selection will be Refund.
Fill in the Account Code (Trip or Corporate) or Browse.
Source, Category, Type of Sale & Consultant Code should default from Trip code selected.
Fill in Supplier & Creditor Code (use browse boxes if necessary).
Make sure the receipt dated and the Bank Account are correct.
Comment is optional.
Fill in Amount to bank. This is the amount of money you are putting in the bank.
Fill in Payment Method.
Fill in Commission Recall, the amount of commission you made on the original sale.
Fill in any Non-Commission amounts paid on original sale ? Fee. That is any cancellation fees charged by wholesaler, hotel etc.
Original Sale Total will calculate based on amounts in the previous boxes.
Discount given and Our CNX charge (where applicable). Remember to select the relevant reason from the drop down menu.
Check the amount you are refunding to your client matches Client Refund Amt.
If this receipt is split between trips repeat above steps. Remember to remove the tick from split between trips box on the last part of the entry before clicking on Save.
SAVE or PRINT Note: When a receipt is printed it is automatically saved as well.