Supplier receipts (refund)

Supplier receipts (refund)

  • Click on Add and the default Receipt Selection will be Refund.
  • Fill in the Account Code (Trip or Corporate) or Browse.
  • Source, Category, Type of Sale & Consultant Code should default from Trip code selected.
  • Fill in Supplier & Creditor Code (use browse boxes if necessary).
  • Make sure the receipt dated and the Bank Account are correct.
  • Comment is optional.
  • Fill in Amount to bank. This is the amount of money you are putting in the bank.
  • Fill in Payment Method.
  • Fill in Commission Recall, the amount of commission you made on the original sale.
  • Fill in any Non-Commission amounts paid on original sale ? Fee. That is any cancellation fees charged by wholesaler, hotel etc.
  • Original Sale Total will calculate based on amounts in the previous boxes.
  • Discount given and Our CNX charge (where applicable). Remember to select the relevant reason from the drop down menu.
  • Check the amount you are refunding to your client matches Client Refund Amt.
  • If this receipt is split between trips repeat above steps. Remember to remove the tick from split between trips box on the last part of the entry before clicking on Save.
  • SAVE or PRINT Note: When a receipt is printed it is automatically saved as well.