Travelog Helpdesk Update 1.14

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Travelog World 1.14 Updates. 21st of June 2017

These updates are for Travelog World v1.14 only. The updated programs will not work with previous versions (1.13 and earlier).

Below the download and installation instructions you will find a list of the files included in this update. For a description of the bugs fixed and features added or enhanced by these updates since the initial release, please read the change notes..

It is very important that you install the updated programs to all workstations after you have run the database update and before you begin working with the new programs on any workstation. If your office prefers to test the changed programs before releasing them to 'live' workstations, please contact the helpdesk for the recommended procedure.

Step 1 - Download and extract - You only need to download the current updates package once for your site, not once on each PC. Once downloaded and extracted, the updates are stored in your Travelog World shared data drive.

Since everyone's web browser is set up differently, you may see slightly different prompts than those given in the following instructions, or the file may be downloaded to a different place. For example, some installations of Mozilla Firefox may download files to your Desktop without asking you for a download location. You need to know how your web browser works and change the following steps to match it.

You can do no harm by updating a company's databases more than once. So if you're not sure whether or not you've updated a company, update it now.

  1. The download should start automatically while you are reading this page. If the download has not started after half a minute, click Download Now.
  2. If you are asked whether you want to open the file from its current location or save it to disk, choose Save file to Disk and Click OK.
  3. In the Save As dialogue box, locate and select the My Documents folder, then click Save.
  4. The file will download. You should see its download progress.
  5. Once the file has finished downloading, open the downloaded file. Do this by
    • either clicking "Open" or "Run" on your web browser's download dialogue,
    • or close any dialogue boxes that are still open, then double click the My Documents folder on the desktop or click My Documents on your start menu to open that folder, then locate and double-click the file twupdates114.exe to run it.
  6. The first part of the package will extract and then verify your Travelog registration. If you do not have a current valid registration a message will tell you and the program will stop.
  7. You will be asked "Copy updated Travelog World programs to server?". Click Yes to continue, or click No to cancel.
  8. You will see the extraction progress. Once the extraction is complete, that window will close by itself.
  9. You might be prompted to choose your country. This will affect which updates are installed. Choose your country, optionally tick the 'Remember this' box to not be prompted for your country in the future, then click OK. You will then (briefly) see the copy progress. If you have any kind of error when extracting the updates, don't close the error message. Telephone the helpdesk and give them the information in the error message.
  10. Once the files have been extracted and copied to the server you may get the prompt "Travelog World needs to update your databases...". If you see that, click OK to continue, and update each of your companies' databases in turn, as follows:
    1. Make sure no one is signed in to the company or companies you're about to update, including yourself.
    2. Enter your TWAdmin password in the Password box
    3. Select the first company in the drop-down Company list box
    4. Click Update (at the bottom of the window) or hit ALT+u
    5. Select the next company in the drop-down list
    6. Repeat the above two steps until you have updated the last company in the drop-down list
    7. Click Close to close the Database Update program
  11. If the files were extracted successfully, you can now delete the file twupdates114.exe from your My Documents folder or wherever you downloaded it, to reclaim the disk space.

Step 2 - Install - You need to install the updates on each computer which has Travelog World installed. To install the updates, first make sure you're logged out of Travelog World on all computers, then run Update New Programs from Server (Start | Programs | Travelog World for Windows | Update New Programs from Server) on each computer that needs to be updated.

This package of updates includes updated versions of:

Back Office and Maintenance Programs

Program File name Version Released
Invoice Prep & Print TWIVPRP1.exe 1.13.2 2017/04/06
Crystal Reports Module CR10OCX.ocx 1.12.23 2017/04/06
Bank Deposit Report TWIVPRP1.exe 1.13.2 2017/04/06
Receipt Entry TWREENT1.exe 1.13.6 2017/04/06
Registration Reader Module TWRegistrationEx.dll 1.14.0 2017/02/02
Registration Program TWRegister.exe 1.14.4 2017/02/02

Travel Services Modules

Program File name Version Released
CRS Import/Export Reservation.dll 1.14.18 2017/05/31
Travel Services TWCOSTN1.exe 1.14.4 2017/05/31
Departure Card TWCDepartCard.dll 1.12.3 2017/05/31
Invoicing TWCInvoice.dll 1.13.7 2017/04/06
Quick Booking Completion TWCAutoBooking.dll 1.14.1 2017/04/06
Departure Tax TWCDepartTax.dll 1.14.1 2017/04/06
Quick Service Fee TWCFee.dll 1.14.1 2017/04/06
Insurance TWCInsurance.dll 1.14.1 2017/04/06
Land TWCLand.dll 1.14.1 2017/04/06
Other Inclusions TWCOther.dll 1.14.1 2017/04/06
Pay Supplier TWCPayment.dll 1.14.1 2017/04/06
Enhanced Land Rates TWCRates.dll 1.14.1 2017/04/06

Reports and Client Documents

Document File name(s) File Modified Date Released

Most recent updates are listed first in each table.