Program updates are intended for licensed users who pay a yearly license and support subscription. Please make sure you download and install the updates appropriate to the version of Travelog installed at your site. Please login to Travelog then choose Help and About Travelog World to check your version. Updates include programs and reports which have been updated since the version release to fix reported bugs and enhance existing features. Therefore you cannot upgrade to the next version release by simply installing the next set of updates.
Warning: If you install the wrong set of updates, Travelog World may not work at all, or will produce unpredictable results, and/or will corrupt your database. In this instance you may not be covered by your support agreement and charges may apply to fix your database.
or once logged into the main Travelog window ('black screen') click Help, About Travelog World and Program Version Number. If the program version number displayed is 1.12 or later (the same as 1.12.05 or later) you are using program version 1.12, likewise if your program version is 1.13.12 you are using v1.13 and so on.
If you are in any doubt, contact the helpdesk to confirm which set of updates is the right one for your site. If you are 100% sure of the version you are using you can proceed to download the relevant update via the Read more
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