Client maintanance

Client maintanance

This is used to modify client trips created by consultants or for entering trips to bring in opening balances from a previous system. A trip number (Client Ledger) is required before any data entry can be processed.

Click on Accounting | Client Ledger | Client Maintenance.

  • Type in the trip number and click on Add (to add a new trip) from the back office or type existing Trip Number and click ‘Modify’ to change an existing trip number.
  • If you are adding details enter the necessary fields. The Yellow fields are compulsory. If you Mod ify make the necessary changes to the fields and Save.
  • To add additional passengers click on the Passenger icon on the top of the screen and click on Add then complete the fields.
  • Trip type will default to Temporary. Temporary trips will be deleted if you run an archiving. Permanent trips will not be deleted and the Mailing option is for mailing only.
  • Trip account status is to lock the trip as completed so no further accounting can be done.
  • Click on Save if you have added a new trip or have modified any fields.
  • Click Close to exit.